Before adding a recorder for a particular camera, please follow the steps below to ensure camera compatibility and proper configuration:
- Sign in to your Ozolio Dashboard.
- Open 'Cameras' and find the camera you wish to record.
- Open the camera settings by clicking on the gear icon or via the Actions menu:
- If you wish to record a Timelapse or Slideshow, go to the 'Mjpeg' section and make sure that Motion JPEG is enabled.
IMPORTANT: In order to record Timelapse or Slideshow, your camera should be able to provide an MJPEG stream or single-shot JPEG image. If 'Motion JPEG' is not presented in-camera settings, this means that your camera cannot provide JPEG frames. The other possible reason for the problem is the 'Camera Type' selected in 'General Settings' is incorrect. Be aware that changing your 'Camera Type' may result in the inability to stream your live feed.
- If you wish to record Video, go to the 'Video Streaming' section and ensure streaming is enabled.
IMPORTANT: To record Video, your camera should support HD streaming (H.264). If 'Video Streaming' is not presented in-camera settings, then your camera does not support H.264. The other possible reason for the problem is the 'Camera Type' selected in 'General Settings' is incorrect. Be aware that changing your 'Camera Type' may result in the inability to stream your live feed.
- Go to the 'Location' section and make sure that 'Time-Zone' is selected correctly. This is very important for scheduled recording.
- If you made any changes to meet the above conditions, scroll down and click on 'Save Changes'.
- Go back to 'Cameras' and ensure the camera status is 'Active' or 'Idle'.
If you have met all conditions listed above but still cannot record from your camera, please contact us.