Using your live feed for online social engagement can connect you even more to your audience. This is where you build your community and followers while keeping them updated on the latest information you want to share. This article explains how to publish a Live Event on Facebook.
Before publishing live content on Facebook for the first time:
- Take a look at the following articles:
- Make sure that the following Facebook requirements are met:
- Your Business Page should be verified by Facebook.
- You have permission to manage the page content.
Add a new Facebook Publisher:
IMPORTANT: You do not need to create a new publisher whenever you want to publish a live event. Any publisher created can be reused in the future.
- Sign in to Ozolio Dashboard.
- Open the Publishers tab.
- Click the + Add Publisher button.
- In the "Publisher Name," give the publisher a name.
- In the "Default Provider," select "Facebook".
- In the "Default Camera", select the camera you want to publish.
- Click Add Publisher.
Start your Live Broadcast:
- In the list of Publishers, locate your publisher and click Start Broadcast.
- Ensure the "Provider" is "Facebook" and the "Camera" is selected correctly.
- Click "NEXT."
- In the next dialog:
- Enter the broadcast "Title" and "Description".
- Enter "Time Limit" (8 hours max).
IMPORTANT: Any Facebook Live Broadcast is time-limited. After the time limit, the broadcast will automatically stop, and Facebook will replace it with the recorded video.
- If you wish to lock public PTZ controls for the duration of the broadcast, select "Lock Control" and optionally specify a "Preset Position".
- Click "Continue with Facebook".
- Login to the Facebook account which manages the page.
- Select "Target" to "Share on a Page You Manage".
- Select the "Page" you want to publish to.
- On the following dialog, select a broadcast target and click "GO LIVE".
- Open your Facebook page to verify your Live Event has been published.
Please contact us if you have any questions or need more information.