This article describes how to publish live content on your YouTube channel using Ozolio's "Event Publishing" feature.
Before publishing live content on YouTube for the first time:
- Check the 'Event Publishing' prerequisites and requirements.
- Ensure the 'Live Streaming' feature is enabled on your YouTube channel.
Add a new YouTube Publisher:
IMPORTANT: You do not need to create a new publisher whenever you want to publish a live event. Any publisher created can be reused in the future.
- Sign in to Ozolio Dashboard.
- Open the Publishers tab.
- Click the + Add Publisher button.
- In the "Publisher Name," give the publisher a name.
- In the "Default Provider," select "YouTube".
- In the "Default Camera", select the camera you want to publish.
- Click Add Publisher.
Start your Live Broadcast:
- In the list of Publishers, locate your publisher and click Start Broadcast.
- Ensure the "Provider" is "YouTube" and the "Camera" is selected correctly.
- Click Next.
- In the next dialog:
- Select broadcast "Type".
- "Temporary Event" - a time-limited event.
- "Persistent Feed" - a 24/7 persistent live feed.
- Enter the broadcast "Title", and "Description".
- For a temporary event, select a "Time Limit" (8 hours max).
- If you wish to lock public PTZ controls for the duration of the broadcast, select "Lock Control" and optionally specify a "Preset Position".
- Click on Continue With Youtube.
- Select broadcast "Type".
- Open your YouTube Channel to verify your Live Event has been published.
IMPORTANT: If the camera, assigned to a persistent feed remains offline for 4-6 hours, YouTube may terminate the broadcast without the ability to recover it.
Please contact us if you have any questions or need more information.