To allow your Ozolio Live Stream to be embedded and shared on your website or another website you have authorized, you will need to make the appropriate adjustments:
- Sign in to your Ozolio Dashboard.
- Go to Cameras and locate your camera.
- Click on its gear icon or its actions menu and select Edit camera settings.
- Navigate to the Privacy tab.
Here, you can configure your Embedding Policy, Directory Mode, and Allowed Domains.
Embedding Policy
This camera can be seen on allowed domains and listed in the directory - which means the stream can be embedded into the Ozolio Public Directory and any owner's domains.
- This camera can only be seen on certain domains allowed by the owner - which means that the stream can be embedded into domains allowed only by the owner.
- This camera can be seen on any public domain without any restrictions - which means that no restrictions will be applied.
Directory Mode
This option determines how your stream will appear in Ozolio Public Directory.
Allowed Domain
If you select Any Domain, anyone can embed your stream on their site.
If you select Selected Domains, you can manually enter your chosen domains in the box below. Any domain not included in this list will not be able to share your stream.
Note: You can add or delete any entries at any time.
- Scroll down and click the Save Changes button.
If you have completed the procedure above and continue to experience issues, please contact us.