This article describes an alternative method of creating a persistent broadcast on YouTube. Please use this method as a workaround if you are experiencing problems with our integrated "YouTube Event Publisher".
Before publishing live content on YouTube for the first time:
- Check the 'Event Publishing' prerequisites and requirements.
- Ensure the 'Live Streaming' feature is enabled on your YouTube channel.
STEP 1: Schedule a persistent live broadcast using YouTube Studio:
- In your YouTube home, click the logo at the top/right corner and select "YouTube Studio".
- In the YouTube Studio, click "CREATE", then "Go Live".
- In the Live Dashboard, select "Manage" and click "SCHEDULE STREAM".
- On the next dialog, click "CREATE NEW".
- Specify the broadcast name, description, etc., and click "NEXT".
- Customize advanced options, and click "NEXT".
- Select the broadcast privacy, the start time, and click "DONE".
IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend that you set the start time to at least 5-15 min from now. Otherwise, some critical broadcast options may not appear in the dashboard.
- In the "STREAM SETTINGS", click "Select stream key" and select "Create new stream key".
- Enter the new key name and click "CREATE"
- Make sure that the "Enable auto-start" and "Enable auto-stop" options are off.
IMPORTANT: This condition is very important for persistent streaming.
- Make sure that the "Stream latency" is set to "Normal latency".
Copy "Stream Key", "Stream URL" and "Backup URL" and paste them into any text editor. You will need these parameters later.
- Do not close the YouTube Studio tab.
STEP 2: Create "Target URL" and "Backup URL" for the Ozolio Publisher.
To convert the information you copied from YouTube Studio into a format suitable for the Ozolio Publisher, you should merge both base URLs with the stream key via the forward-slash.
If you copied the following parameters from the YouTube Studio:
Stream Key: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Stream URL: rtmp://
Backup URL: rtmp://
Then the information you need for the Ozolio Publisher is:
Target RTMP URL: rtmp://
Backup RTMP URL: rtmp://
STEP 3: Create and start the Ozolio Publisher.
- Open a new tab and sign in to your Ozolio Dashboard.
- Open the Publishers tab.
- Click the + Add Publisher button.
- In the "Publisher Name," give the publisher a name.
- In the "Default Provider," select "Other".
- In the "Default Camera", select the camera you want to publish.
- Click Add Publisher.
- In the Publisher Settings, set the Broadcast Type to "Persistent Feed," click Save Changes, and then Close.
- Find the new publisher in the list and click Start Broadcast.
- On the following dialog box, click Next.
- On the following dialog box, enter "Target RTMP URL" and "Backup RTML URL", which you've created in STEP 2, and click "GO LIVE".
- If the broadcast has been started successfully, you will see the following message:
STEP 4: Start the broadcast on YouTube.
- Go back to the YouTube Studio tab.
- Make sure that the preview panel shows your live stream.
- Click the button "GO LIVE".
- Make sure that your persistent broadcast goes online.
If you did not succeed with the method above, please contact us.